Neodymium-doped yttrium orthovanadate (Nd:YVO4) is a crystalline material formed by adding neodymium ions to yttrium orthovanadate. It is commonly used as an active laser medium for diode-pumped solid-state lasers. It comes as a transparent blue-tinted material. It is birefringent, therefore rods made of it are usually rectangular.
Properties of Nd:YVO4/YVO4 Crystal
Neodymium Doped Yttrium Orthvanadate (Nd:YVO4) is one of the most efficient laserhost crystal currently existing for diode laser-pumped solid-state lasers. Its large stimulated emission cross-section at lasing wavelength, high absorption coefficient and wide absorption bandwidth at purrip wavelcngth, high lnscr induced darraye threshold as well as good physical9 optical and mechanical properties make Nd:YVO4 an excellent crysta for the high power, stable and cost-effective diode lasenpumped solid-state tasers. Recent developments have shown that Nd:YVO4 micro-lasers can produce powerful and stable IR and green or red lasers with the design of Nd:YVO4 + KTP.Optical Properties:
Lasing Wavelength : |
1064nm, 1342nm
| ||
Refractive Indices: | @1064nm |
@808nm | 1.9721(no) | 2.1858(ne) | |
@532nm | 2.0210(no) | 2.2560(ne) | |
Sellmeier Equations: (Pure YVO4,l in µm) |
no2 = 3.77834 + 0.069736 / (l2 - 0.04724) - 0.0108133l2
| ||
ne2 = 4.59905 + 0.110534 / (l2 - 0.04813) - 0.0122676l2
| |||
Therm-OpticCoefficient:(10-6/K) | dna/dT=8.5 | dnb/dT=8.5 | dnc/dT=3.0 |
Absorption Coefficient: | ~31.4%/cm @808nm | ||
Absorption Length: | 0.32mm @808nm | ||
Stimulated Emission Cross-Section: | 2.50x10-18 cm2 @1064nm | ||
Fluorescent Lifetime: | 90 µs (about 50 µs for 2 atm% Nd doped) @ 808nm | ||
Intrinsic Loss: | 0.02/cm @ 1064nm | ||
Gain Bandwith: | 0.96nm (257 GHz) @ 1064nm | ||
Polarized Laser Emission: | ppolarization;parallel to optic axis (c-axis) | ||
Diode Pumped Optical to Optical Efficiency: | >60% |
Physical Properties:
Crystal Structure: | Zircon Tetragonal, space group D4h |
Cell Parameters: | a=b=7.12Å, c=6.29Å |
Mohs Hardness: | »5 |
Density: | 4.22g/cm3 |
Hygroscopic Susceptibility | no |
Thermal Conductivity(W/cm·K): | parallel to c: 0.0523; vertical to c: 0.0510 |
Thermal Expansion Coefficient: | parallel to a: 4.43x10-6; parallel to c: 11.37x10-6 |